Our mission is clear: to make outdoor gear and apparel that drives change and makes the world a better place. With determination and style.
Our mission is clear: to make outdoor gear and apparel that drives change and makes the world a better place. With determination and style.
The simplest fair fashion rule is: buy less, but better. Because if you buy consciously and opt for durable, high-quality products, you are investing in fair manufacturing and working conditions. If that's exactly what you want, you're sure to find what you're looking for in our store. Our sustainable clothing, bags and backpacks are timeless and long-lasting so that they can free themselves from the ballast of consumption and imbalance. Instead, we focus on beauty, fairness and clarity.
How do you recognize sustainable fashion and accessories? They are produced under fair conditions and are made from environmentally friendly, recycled materials as often as possible. Look out for certifications such as "climate-neutral company" or the "B Corporation".
While you explore the world, you can also change it. With sustainable fashion and exceptional outdoor gear, we make it easy for you to have a positive impact on the planet. Discover our high-quality fleece jackets made from recycled polyester. Or the Del Dia Collection, in which every backpack is a creative one-off made from recycled fabrics left over from other companies. Or be inspired by the Allpa Collection. The travel backpacks and bags are ready to accompany you on any of your adventures and bring you the benefits of a classic suitcase, but in stylish backpack form.
Cotopaxi is a 5,900-metre-high volcano in Ecuador, making it one of the highest active volcanoes in the world. But how did our company get its name? Cotopaxi awakened the spirit of adventure in Davis, the founder of our brand. He explored the glacial streams of the mountain, made friends with the wild llamas and climbed the countless hiking trails of Cotopaxi. A deep sense of gratitude arose in Davis, inspiring him to found Cotopaxi and make a positive impact on the world. Which brings us to our mission: Cotopaxi makes sustainable fashion and outdoor gear that takes care of the world while we explore and experience it.
We want to change the world. With a strategy that fights poverty worldwide and strives for responsible sourcing and manufacturing practices along the entire supply chain. Donations and grants to organizations on the same mission as us are at the heart of what we do. We are certified as a carbon-neutral company and implement environmental and social sustainability in our day-to-day operations. We try to find partners who value people and resources and treat them fairly. We support initiatives that raise business to a sustainable level and combine social, environmental and economic goals.
In our production, you can recognize sustainability by the fact that we produce as little waste as possible. We use recycled materials and fabric remnants are recycled again. Today, 94% of our products are made from recycled materials, which makes us independent of fossil fuels and brings us closer to our goal of avoiding waste.
At Cotopaxi, the three Rs stand for Repurposed, Recycled and Responsible. Repurposed means giving materials a second life. For example, we use fabric remnants from other companies' large-scale productions in the Del Dia Collection. Recycled means that we use recycled materials as often as possible, for example in some of our fleece products. And Responsible describes our efforts to work with products and partners who themselves set fair standards.